How I can help

Traditional support options just aren’t cutting it anymore

Hiring In-House

Small budget means inexperienced staff who require more effort and time to manage.



Strategic direction without implementation means a “plan” sits on a computer for 3 years and your big investment goes down the drain.

It's simple - let me support you to run your fundraising or marketing programme.

That's right - eliminate the stress and overwhelm of trying to "do it all" and let me help you manage your fundraising and marketing needs.


The Solution

Strategic Oversight

I have over 15 years experience in marketing and fundraising in the charity sector.

I will always start our work with you by developing a plan that outlines strategic objectives and a work plan for your programme.


Hands-on Implementation

I then implement that plan! From strategy to stuffing envelopes, if it’s in the plan (and you need support with it), I’ll make sure it gets done.

Here are a few examples of some of the areas I could help you with

External Engagement Strategy

Supporter Experience

Want to build a strategy that helps you achieve the change your organisation wants to see?

Do your supporters have a good experience with you? Would you like to measure their experience and improve it?

Do you need help reviewing your marketing to see how you can get more engagement and action?

Marketing Review

Are you looking to design and implement a fundraising programme? One that really resonates with your audience and drives donations?

Public Fundraising Programme

Public Fundraising Review

Do you need to review where you are with your fundraising, and find out what changes you could make to give your programme more impact?

Supporter Stewardship

Would you like to improve how your supporters are stewarded on their journey with you?

Audience Research

Do you know who your audience are, or who they could be? Would you like to find out more about them?